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» Spam Tema....
od Nim Ned 14 Apr 2024, 04:08

» Sta trenutno slusate
od Zevs86 Sub 03 Feb 2024, 23:56

» Slike prirode nam majke
od Lala Pet 26 Maj 2023, 21:46

» Predstavite nam se....
od Assassin Pet 28 Apr 2023, 18:23

» Robert Džordan "Točak vremena"
od Uno Nomesta Pon 26 Sep 2022, 14:57

» Robin Hobb - Vidovnjaci
od Zevs86 Uto 29 Dec 2020, 15:25

» Stiven Erikson- Malaska knjiga palih
od Assassin Pon 13 Apr 2020, 10:31

» Igrice (Generalno)
od Lord M. Pet 03 Apr 2020, 12:33

» Sta sada citate?
od Zevs86 Čet 19 Mar 2020, 19:58

» Winter Is HBO
od Zevs86 Čet 19 Mar 2020, 19:55

» Dela, po povoljnoj ceni.
od Vazarius Uto 10 Mar 2020, 08:25

» Srećna 2o2o!
od Assassin Uto 07 Jan 2020, 12:43

» Serije koje volite / trenutno pratite
od Assassin Uto 12 Nov 2019, 16:54

» Silmarilion
od Vazarius Čet 31 Okt 2019, 09:38

» Jezik Čitanja
od White Rabbit Pon 03 Jun 2019, 00:23

» Novi filmovi i filmske novosti
od White Rabbit Pon 03 Jun 2019, 00:19

» "Vukodav" - Marija Semjonova
od Zevs86 Pet 25 Jan 2019, 10:49

» Demon Cycle - Peter V. Brett [spoiler]
od Vazarius Uto 08 Jan 2019, 14:44

» Srećna 2o19!
od Areal Sre 02 Jan 2019, 20:56

» Rejmond E. Fajst "Ratovi kapije sveta"
od Vazarius Pet 19 Okt 2018, 12:46


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Mitologija Starih Slovena

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Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Pet 13 Feb 2009, 19:19

Elem, verujem da će se na ovom forumu naći još nih koji su zainteresovani za Staroslovensku mitologiju kao i ja Very Happy A i ako niste bili zainteresovani ranije- možda je vreme da počnete da se interesujete, verujte mi- jako je zanimljivo i veoma inspirativno Wink
O staroslovenskim božanstvima može se reći jako puno...
Za početak, evo jednog podosta opširnog spiska božanstava Very Happy


A. Prabog SVAROG - neaktivni večni prabog

B. SVAROŽIĆ - najviši bog, sin Svaroga, vladar bogova

V. Ostali najviši oblasni bogovi
PERUN - bog munje i groma, darivalac letine
RADIGAST (Radgost) - bog večernje svetlosti, svetlosti zvezda
DAŽBOG - bog svetlosti i vatre
SVETOVID - bog privređivanja, proročanstva i rata, vatre i svetlosti

G. Ostala viša božanstva - BOGOVI
VELES - bog podzemlja, letine i stada
STRIBOG - bog prostora, vazduha i vetra
ROD - bog prvobitne plodnosti
SIM I RIGL - blizanci (kao bogovi) - vidi boginju Simarglu
PROVE - bog prava i pravičnosti
CRNOBOG (Crnoglav) - Bog zla i nesreće
BELBOG - bog dobra (suprotnost Crnoboga)
TRIGLAV - bog rata i privređivanja
PORENUT (Porenutius) } trojica božanske braće rata i plodnosti

JAROVID - bog prolećne i ratne snage
JARILO - bog plodnosti i žetvenih svečanosti
PEREPLUT - bog sećanja

D. Ostala viša božanstva - BOGINJE
HORS - boginja Meseca i neispunjene ljubavi (i lezbijske)
PRIPELAGA - boginja Zemlje i prvobitne plodnosti
ŽIVA - boginja leta i zrele plodnosti
SIMARGL - boginja od bogova Sima i Rigla, božanska dojilja
MOKOŠ - boginja ovaca i prela, plodnosti
VESNA - boginja proleća i mladalačke, nesputane ljubavi
MORENA - boginja zime i smrti
LADA - boginja proleća i nežne ljubavi
PODAGA - boginja vremena
PIZAMAR - boginja muzike i umetnosti

(demoni, božići, bića iz bajki)

A. Demoni ELEMENATA (zemlje, vode, vazduha, vatre i nebeskog svoda)

a. Demoni ZEMLJE (podzemlja i pećina, planina, stenja i kamenja)

aa. Demoni podzemlja i pećina
KOVLAD - vladar zakopanog blaga i pećina
RUNA - (Gospodarica zemlje) - Kovladova žena
PERMONICI - patuljci u rudniku
LABUS - zlobni duh koji vabi decu u pećine

ab. Demoni planina
VILE PLANINKINJE - vile koje žive na visokim snežnim planinama
SVETOGOR - ogromni demon planina, veći od najviše planine
DIVOVI AŠILCI - duhovi naših predaka - divova

av. Demoni stenja i kamenja
LAKAT BRADE - planinski pakosni patuljci
DUHOVI ČUDESNOG KAMENJA - pomažu proricati iz kamenja i kišnice iz udubljenja u stenama

b. demoni VODE (mora, reka, jezera, ribnjaka)

ba. Demoni mora
MORSKI KRALJ,CAR - vladar svih morskih bića
MORSKA KRALJICA,CARICA - žena Morskog kralja
MORSKE VILE (Morske device, Morske žene) - pola žene, pola ribe - bića sa ljudskim telom i ribljim repom
NEMANI - morske aždaje i čudovišta

bb. Demoni reka
KRALJ VODE - vladar svih rečnih duhova i bića
VODENA KRALJICA - žena Kralja vode
VODENE VILE - prozračne, zlatokose lepotice od izvora
JUDE (Crne vile) - zle vile koje dave ljude
DIVA - vladarka Rusalki
RUSALKE - riđokose vodene devojke koje vole orgije
BRODARICE - zle vile koje žive na visokim obalama reka

bv. Demoni jezera i ribnjaka
VODENJAK (Hastrman, Topilac) - oblasni gospodar vodenih duhova i svih bića, dobričina i šaljivac, povremeno zao
VODENA KRALJICA - njegova žena
SAMODIVE (Samovile) - vodene vile - noćne igračice

v. Demoni VAZDUHA (vetra i vazduha)

vv. Demoni vetra
OBLAČNIK (Kralj vetrova) - vladar vetrova, vernih slugu Oblačnika
MRAZ (Deda Mraz) - brat Oblačnika, dobričina, donosi poklone
VETROVNJAK - otac vetrova, vernih slugu Oblačnika
VETRENICA - žena Vetrovnjaka, majka petoro braće vetrova
RAZVIGOR - najmlađi od vetrova
VETRIĆ - četvrti od braće vetrova
VIHOR - srednji od braće vetrova
OLUJNIK - drugi od braće vetrova
URAGAN - najstariji od braće vetrova, mrzovoljan
MELUZINA - mlađa sestra vetrova, peva u dimnjacima
MEĆAVA - jedina prevrtljiva ćerka dobričine Mraza, zla

vb. Demoni vazduha
BABA JAGA - zla starica, ljudožderka, leti na metli
VEŠTAC - brat Babe Jage, bude zao, ali može ga se omekšati
VILE OBLAKINJE - kćeri Oblačnika, prozračne vazdušne devojke
VATRENI ZMAJEVI - sinovi Babe Jage, sa više glava i zli, pretvaraju se u munje, vatrene kugle

d. Demoni Vatre
VATRENIK - duša zlog čoveka koji se pojavljuje i kao vatreni stub ili bačva
BLUDICE, LUTAJUĆE VATRE - duše ubijenih žena koje žive u močvarama, na grobovima i u trulim stablima
SVETLONOSAC - čovečuljak sa fenjerom u hladnim noćima
CIKAVAC - mala vatrena aždaja - leti kao vatrena kugla, među ljudima se kreće kao crno pile
RAROG (Rarašak) - mali vatreni soko, izlegne se iz jajeta na peći
PLEVNIK - uleće kao vatreni lanac kroz dimnjak u sobu, živi isto kao i cikavac u piletu, spava na plevi

g. Demoni Nebeskog svoda
SUNCE - sluga najviših bogova, sjaj božanske kočije
MESEC - njegova sestra, ptica - vozi boginju Hors
PLANETNICI - duše žrtvovanih ljudi koji čuvaju vatre zvezda
ZORA (uveče VEČERNJAČA, ujutro DANICA) - kći Sunca
DUGA - dete Sunca i boginje Podage

KRALJ VREMENA - koji stalno umire i ponovo se rađa, koji se stalno okreće na mlinskom točku
DVANAEST MESECI (JANUAR-DECEMBAR) - sinovi Kralja vremena koji umesto njega vladaju vremenom, smenjuju se po mesecima.
KRAčUN - gospodar zimske kratkodnevnice, ako mu nisu zapalili badnjak (deblo drveta), zadržavao je dane
PONOĆNICA - ako se pojavi nagoveštava smrt u porodici
POLUDNICA - u podne tera ljude iz polja, voli da muči
PODNEVNIK - beli dečak, kažnjava one koji prave štetu na polju za vreme podnevnog odmora
KLJAKAVICA - krade i kažnjava decu koja lutaju po tami

V. Demoni SUDBINE:
SUĐENICE (SREĆA, BEDA, OSVETA) - kćeri boga Provea, proriču sudbinu nad kolevkom novorođenčeta
SMRT - kao beli kostur sa kosom prati mrtve u podzemlje
LOPOVSKA KUMA - uzima imanje onima koji su se oduprli sudbini

G. ŠUMSKI demoni:
LESNIK (Gospodar šume, Divlji muškarac, Div, Nikola) - dlakavi šumski patuljak
ŠUMSKE VILE - divne žene koje žive u hrastovima i lipama
GRGALICA - zla šumska žena, muči neoprezne muškarce
MAMUNA - prsata šumska divlja žena, Šumska majka
PROMENKO - Šumsko strašilo koje plaši ljude noću
BORUT - šumski duh Tatri, živi u ruševinama

D. POLJSKI demoni:
ŽITNI DED (Poljevik, Gospodar polja, Poljski duh) - poljski patuljak, vladar bića koja žive na poljima (duhova i životinja), pretvara se u troglavo stvorenje sa vatrenim jezicima
ŽITNA BABA - žena Žitnog deda, voli da stražari i jede grašak
ŽITNA DEVA - pripada poljskim vilama, nosi srp i malu kosu
BELONJ - otac Podnevnika, poljski duh, pomaže u žetvi
SPORIŠ - pomoćnik Žitnog dede, tera lopove i pazi na vatru (i iz vatrenih jezika Žitnog dede)

Đ. KUĆNI demoni (patuljci i drugi duhovi)

DOMAĆI (Domovik) - kućni duh-patuljak, pomaže ukućanima
ZMIJA ČUVARKUĆA - pomoćnik kao i Domaći, prebiva ispod praga
LASICA - prevrtljivi duh-pomoćnik, povremeno nanosi štetu
TORNIK - kod dobrog gazde pomaže u torovima, smrdi
GUMNIK - patuljak koji pomaže na gumnu, ima kosu od slame
VINARNIK (Podrumar, Vinski dedica) - pomaže u podrumu, ima crveni nos i ako ne peva, onda štuca
PIKULIK - patuljak koji pomaže kočijašima, najradije bude u džepu kočijaševog kaputa, gde se gosti mrvicama

KIKIMORA - žena-duh, nanosi štetu muškarcima, pravi prepreke i Domaćem i drugim kućnim patuljcima-pomoćnicima, ozleđuje životinje a ženama mrsi predivo
BEĆAH (Madra) - zloduh koji podstiče ljude na podvale
KORGORUŠA - bori se sa Kikimorom, živi u kući kao mačka, voli da donosi kući ukradene stvari, izaziva tako nevolje

E. LJUDSKI demoni:
STRAŠILO (Avetinja, Sablast) - pretvara se u senke, bele likove, zvuke, stanuje na mestima nesreće, tvrđavama, zamkovima, u mlinovima, na raskrsnicama i grobljim
MORA - koristi duše mrtvih srodnika ili živih ljudi koji spavaju, guši u snu
VAMPIR (Upir) - demon koji ulazi u leševe ljudi živih sahranjenih i noću **** krv živim ljudima i životinjama - tako ostaje u životu
VUKODLAK - demon, živi u čoveku koji popije iz udubljenja vučeg stopala - pretvara se u vuka u vreme izlaska meseca, ponekad i pravljenjem koluta
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Glumac92 Pet 13 Feb 2009, 19:35

Moram reci da je ovo jako dobar kratak kurs staroslovenske mitologije , svaka cast vidi se da si se potrudila . Mene jako zanima ova tema , ali nisam mnogo nasao na netu o tome uglavnom nesto na wiki-ju . U svakom slucaju , nadam se da ces nastaviti YOU GO GIRL

Broj poruka : 541
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : Da je bolje ne bi valjalo
Reputacija : 3
Points : 365
Datum upisa : 09.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Pet 13 Feb 2009, 19:54

Ako ćemo iskreno, sve što ću postavljati iskopala sam na netu, jako malo sam kucala sama Embarassed Tako da i nije bilo puno truda, samo sam se namučila oko pronalaženja, to je sve Rolling Eyes Teško je iskopati na netu nešto o Slovenskoj mitologiji No
Elem, šta još imam u svom kompu o ovome...
Ovde imate ne tako puno bogova, ali su opisi opširniji:

SVAROG - On je praotac svjetlosti i toplote, prastvoritelj neba pod čijim svodom se sve rađa i događa. Pored toga što je praotac zemlje i svjetlosti, on gospodari svim rodom i plodom na zemlji. On je vrhovni bestjelesni bog i prema tome nema dejstva na materijalni svijet, ali vrši ogroman uticaj na volju drugih bogova. Njegov sin je Dažbog, kralj Sunca, a pored toga njegova djeca su još i vatra, odnosno, oganj koji predstavlja Svarožića, zatim Mjesec i zvijezda Danica. Ostaje mutno da li je bog sunca bio Dažbog ili Svarožić.
PERUN - To je opštepoznati slovenski bog koji je poznat kao gospodar munje i groma, on je najviše spominjan bog i najviše se održao u folkloru. Predstavlja burno olujno nebo i grmljavinu (kao Zevs kod Grka ili Tor kod Germana). On je bog koji udara i krši, takođe označava i kišu. Ljetopisac Gvanjini opisuje kakva mu je pažnja bila pridavana: "U počast ovog idola goraše i noću i danju vatra naložena od hrastovih drva. Ako se nepažnjom slugu, koji je moraju čuvati, ova vatra ugasi, svi bi bez ikakve milosti bili osuđeni na smrt."
SVETOVID - Njegova proricanja su najizvjesnija, njegov hram je prvenstveno bio proročište kojem su svi godišnje prinosili otkupe u žrtvama. Ovaj bog je najsjajniji po pobjedama, sve slovenske pokrajine su ga poštovale i slale danak njegovom proročištu. Čak ni u ratu ništa nije smjelo uprljati ulaz u hram. Svetovid je onaj koji zna i vidi sve na svijetu. Njegov kip je opisivan kao idol sa četiri glave, dvije sprijeda a dvije s leđa; u desnoj ruci je držao rog, a u lijevoj luk. On vidi na četiri strane svijeta i njegov um nadmašuje sva vremena jer poznaje prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Njegov raskošni hram pravljen je od rezbarenog drveta. Protivno opštem običaju, sveštenik koji je jedini imao pravo ući u svetilište nosio je jako dugu bradu i kosu, i nije smio disati dok je unutra da ne bi čovječijim dahom okužio božanstvo. Sveštenici Svetovida su tumačili proricanja i čitali sudbinu. Ovaj bog je svojim sljedbenicima davao svega u izobilju a za druge je bio bog rata i poraza (naročito prema hrišćanima). "Naročito poštovanje prema Svetovidu pokazivali su Sloveni na taj način što su godišnje po jednog hrišćanina, koga su kockom određivali, njemu žrtvovali," zapaža Spasoje Vasiljev. Vjerovalo se da Svetovid noću uzjaše bijelog konja i progoni dušmane Slovena.
TRIGLAV - On je oblačio polja travom i šume lišćem, takođe je vladao plodovima zemlje. Postoji očita sličnost između Triglava i Svetovida. On ima tri glave na kojima su povezane oči i usta povezom. Pretpostavlja se da bi to moglo da simbolizuje tri carstva (nebo, zamlju i pakao), a poveze je nosio da ne bi saznao ljudske grijehe. Triglav je takođe dobar prorok i prorokuje preko njemu posvećenog crnog konja. Tog konja niko nije smio da dotakne osim četiri žreca koja su ga pazila i jedan je uvijek išao za njim. Smatralo se da je Triglav izuzetno sklon ljudima.
VOLOS (Veles) - To je bog plodnosti, podzemnog svijeta i zaštitnik životinja odnosno stada i stoke. I on je bog ratnik.
STRIBOG - To je bog riječnih tokova i potoka nabujalih od kiše, bog vodenih i vazdušnih strujanja. On donosi hladne vjetrove, bure i nevrijeme, on je bog leda i mraza.
MOKOŠA - Zlo žensko božanstvo koje se često spominje uz ostale bogove. Vjerovalo se da ona obilazi kuće i nadgleda prelje. Njen kip je izgledao kao strašna nakaza sastavljena od različitih dijelova životinjskih. Ona označava muke i nevolje, ružna je i gadna i simbolizuje sve čovjekove strasti.
TROJAN - Vjerovalo se da u svakom starom i napuštenom gradu živi slovenski bog ili demon Trojan. Po narodnim pričama to je demonsko biće koje živi u zamku u šumi, a noću obilazi i obljubljuje djevojke i žene. Bojao se Sunčevih zraka jer su ga mogli spržiti.
RUDJEVID, JAREVID, PEROVID - Ova božanstava se uzgredno spominju kao bogovi sekundarnog značaja, to su lokalni bogovi. Ruđevid je imao sedam glava i osam mačeva (sedam je nosio oko pasa, a osmi u ruci) iz čega se jasno vidi da je u pitanju bog rata. Jarevid je bio bog srdžbe, jarosti i rata. Njegov štit koji je visio u hramu (prekriven zlatnim pločicama), niko nije smio dotaći, kad su išli u rat nosili su ga pred sobom uvjereni u pobjedu. Jedan zarobljeni njemački sveštenik im je pobjegao tako što je u hramu zgrabio štit i dok je bježao niko ga nije smio dotaći. Perevid je imao pet glava i svoj hram. Moguće je da su ovi bogovi varijante Svetovida zbog nastavka -vid, koji sadrže u imenima.
PRIPEGOLA (Podaga) - To je bog zlih djela, onaj koji sasvim uništava i razara, dakle bog razaranja i smrti (vjerovatno samo za svoje neprijatelje). On je zaštitnik poljskih radova i usjeva, bog lovaca i vremena. U jednoj poslanici arhiepiskopa Adelgota navodi se da Sloveni hrišćanima sijeku glave i prinose ih bogu Pripegali kao žrtvu. Pred hramovima drže pune pehare krvi jer se bogovima dopada hrišćanska krv.
CRNOBOG - To je Djavo ili bog zla. Sloveni su imali običaj da se na gozbama obređuju jednim peharom u ime bogova dobra i zla. Smatrali su da sve dobro dolazi od dobrog boga a sve loše od zlog. Crnobog je jedini koji stoji nasuprot drugim moćnim bogovima koji su skloni ljudima, jedini on im čini zlo.
MORANA - Boginja zime i smrti. Ona predstavlja mrtvu prirodu, hladni vjetar i snijeg. Sjećanje na Moranu ili Moru se očuvalo do danas u narodnim vjerovanjima.
VUKODLAK, BESOMAR - Vjerovalo se da zla duša koja uđe u vuka postaje Vukodlak. Ovo je bilo povezano sa vjerovanjem da se duše zlih ljudi poslije smrti pretvaraju u pojedine životinje - povampire se. Interesantno je vjerovanje našeg naroda da Srbin potiče od vuka. Vjerovanje u Vukodlaka je rasprostranjeno kod svih Slovena. Prema nekim hronikama, slovenski susjedi su bili ubijeđeni da se svi Sloveni u ponekad pretvaraju u vukove. Vukodlak izlazi iz groba, davi ljude po kućama i pije im krv. Može se provući kroz najmanju rupicu. Otkriva se tako što se prevodi vrani konj bez biljega preko groba jer on ne smije preći preko Vukodlaka. Kada ga pronađu izbodu ga glogovim kolcem i bace u vatru da sagori. Besomar je demon grozote i odvratnosti.
VESNA, DEVANA - Vesna je boginja koja se sa sigurnošću stavlja u slovenski Panteon. Ona predstavlja dolazak vedrog godišnjeg doba, proljeća. Ona svojom ljepotom označava svjetlost i jasnoću. I za Devanu se povezuju slična svojstva, i ona bi mogla biti boginja proljeća ili plodnosti.
VILE - Spomenici koji potiču još iz VI vijeka govore o tome da su Sloveni obožavali vile. One su niža mitska bića, prelijepe žene prekrasnog lica i stasa sa divnom do zemlje dugom crnom ili zlatnom kosom u kojoj leži sva njihova moć. One su vječito mlade i nose tanke prozračne haljine koje obično kriju kozje noge. Neke vile imaju i krila i sve veoma lijepo pjevaju. Vjeruje se da duše nesretno umrlih djevojaka postaju vile. Znaju odlično da liječe i vidaju travama, ali ako ih neko uvrijedi spremne su da čine zlo ljudima.
Interesantno je da su svi slovenski bogovi ujedno i bogovi rata. Oni su, u stvari, ratoborni zaštitnici kraja u kojem su najviše poštovani. Dobri su prema svojim poklonicima, ali su razjareni ratnici prema svim protivnicima svog naroda. Još jedna neobičnost vezana za slovenska božanstva je da su se po vjerovanju često pojavljivali među ljudima, uzimali su oblik prosjaka, putnika ili, kao što smo već naglasili, životinja. Mnogo slovenskih predanja i rituala prisilno je pretopljeno u hrišćanske obrede kojih se i danas pridržavamo. Zahvaljujući tome, ipak smo naslijedili nešto od onog iskonskog predanja naših predaka.
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Sub 14 Feb 2009, 10:26

A evo i liste božanstava sa stranih foruma, pa upoređujte... ( videćete da dolazi do dosta nepodudarnosti između naših i stranih izvora, kao i da nas stranci dosta mešaju sa nordijskom mitologijom... )

BABA YAGA Goddess of death and regeneration. Baba Yaga can appear as either an old crone or a beautiful young woman. Baba Yaga lives in darkness and eats people, but she has the gift of prophecy as well.
BELOBOG, also BELBOG, BELUN The White God, the god of the day, the god of Heaven, the bringer of good luck, the god of heavenly light, the god of happiness and peace, the judge who rewards good and punishes evil. A wise old man with a long beard dressed in white, Belobog appears only during the day.
CHERNOBOG The Black God, the god of night, the god of Hell, the bringer of evil luck, the god of infernal darkness, the opposite of Belobog in every way. Chernobog and Belogbog are personifications of opposing principles of good and evil, light and dark, chaos and order.
DAZHBOG A personification of the sun. Each morning Dazhbog mounts a diamond chariot and drives forth from his golden palace in the east, starting the day as a young man and ending the day as a dying old man. His attendants are two virgins, the morning and evening stars; a wise old counselor, the moon; seven judges, the planets; and seven messengers, the comets. Dazhbog ages with the year and takes on a different aspect with each season. Among other seasonal aspects, he was worshipped during the harvest as Sventovit, whose name means "Holy Light," and in winter as Svarozhich, the newborn winter sun.
DOMOVOI The protector of the house. Every home had its own domovoe who dwelled behind the oven and who might abandon the house if he was not properly honored. The Domovois protected not only the human inhabitants of the house but their herds and household animals as well. In some areas the Slavs believed that prosperity and well-being could not exist in a new house until the head of the family died and became its guardian spirit.
KUPULA A goddess of water, sorcery and herbal lore. Kuplula personifies the magical and spiritual power inherent in water, and Kupula's devotees worshipped her with ritual baths and offerings of flowers cast upon water. Since fire as well as water has powers of purification, her worshipers also danced around and leaped over huge bonfires. Frequently her effigy was burned or cast into pools of water. Kupula's cult preserved an extensive lore of magical plants and herbs which gave men the power to read minds, control evil spirits, find hidden treasures, and win the love of beautiful women.
MATI SYRA ZEMLIA Not a name, but a title which means Moist Mother Earth. An earth goddess. The most ancient and possibly the most important of the Slavic gods. Ever fruitful and powerful, Mati Syra Zemlia was worshipped well into the twentieth century. Mother Earth was an oracle whom anyone could consult without any need for a priest or shaman as a go-between. The Slavs felt the profoundest respect for Mother Earth. Peasants settled property disputes by appealing to Mother Earth to witness the truth of their claims, and oaths were sworn in her name.
MOKOSH, also MOKYSHA, MOKUSH The goddess who both gives and takes life, the spinner of the thread of life, the giver of the water of life. Mokosh later became PARASKEVA-PIATNITSA, a goddess of spinning, water, fertility, health with marriage.
PERUN, also PIORUN, PYERUN, PERON "Lord of the Whole World." God of thunder, justice, and war, chief adversary of the Black God. Perun's weapons are thunderbolts. The Slavs made sacrifices of goats and bulls to Perun in a grove with an oak tree. With the coming of Christianity, Perun merged with St. Elijah, who is portrayed in icons flying across the sky in a chariot.
VED'MA A demon goddess who flies over the clouds and mountains on a broom or rake. Ved'ma causes storms, keeps the water of life and death, and knows the magical properties of plants. Ved'ma can be young and beautiful or old and ugly as she pleases.
VELES, also VOLOS Veles was worshipped in two aspects. As Veles he is god of death and the underworld, god of music, and a sorcerer. As Volos he is god of cattle wealth and commerce. The worship of Veles vanished with the coming of Christianity, but the worship of Volos survived as late as the eighteenth century.
ZORIA, also ZARIA The heavenly bride, goddess of beauty and morning. At down her worshipers greeted her as "the brightest maiden, pure, sublime, honorable."

• Rod - Creator of Heaven, Earth, and the Underworld. Comes out of the Egg bringing Fire.
• Lada - Mother of the gods.
• Svarog - Chief god of the heavens.
Heaven: Sons of Svarog, the main Slavic gods associated with formal rituals.
• Svarogovich - God of fire and the forge.
• Perun - God of lightning, warriors, and storms - became identified with St. Elias.
• Dazhbog - God of the sun, the White God (Belobog).
• Zemlya - Earth goddess - referred to as 'Mother Damp Earth' (Mat Syra Zemlya). [Terra (Roman), Gea (Greek), Erda (German): The planet Earth, soil/land, and the goddess are identified by the same name, usually given the title Mother. It is reasonable to assume the Slavs did the same thing, although their lack of ritual for goddesses make it impossible to prove.]
• Kupala - Water goddess [overall command of water sources].
• Veles/Volos - God of agriculture/animal husbandry [god with a ritual] - became identified with St. Blasius.
• Chërt - Chief god of the underworld, the Black God (Chërnobog). Rarely mentioned, no doubt to avoid his notice. He should have two helpers, but, if there is little mention of him, there is less mention of his associates.
Lesser Gods:
• Yaro/Yarilo - God of Spring/fertility - stronger following among Western Slavs who call the season Yaro and identify him as the White God.
• Zorya - actually three Zori: Evening, Morning, and Night who guard the Wild Dog (sometimes identified as Simargl) held captive in the Little Dipper to prevent him from eating the world. [Probably borrowed, the Romans called this constellation Ursa Minor (Little Bear) and Simargl was imported from Persia.]
• Stribog - God of winds.
• Dogoda - West wind [Probably borrowed from Persian Adad.]
• Mokosh - Fertility goddess [Probably borrowed from Georgians/Armenians.]
The Little People: Can be helpful, but are easy to annoy, normally resulting in disfigurement or death.
• Leshiï - Forest Elf - blue skinned/green haired.
• Rusalka - Water Fairy - beautiful maiden, one per body of water or river.
• Bannik - Bath House Brownie* - one per bath house [Think sauna.]
• Domovoï - House Brownie* - one per house.
• Dvorovoï - Yard Brownie* - one per yard.
• Ovinnik - Barn Spirit - black cat with green eyes - one per barn.
• Polevik - Field Brownie* - one per plowed field.
* - Brownie indicates short, brown-skinned, man-shaped spirit.
Mythical Beasts/People:
• Baba Yaga - Evil witch of great power who lives in a chicken-legged hut in a marsh surrounded by a picket fence topped with human skulls. Eats people and is generally disagreeable.
• Bogatyri - Russian version of the Knights of the Round Table and the Paladins. Naturally there were three of them.
• Rorag - Roc/Firebird/Phoenix - eagle with fiery plumage, associated with Rod's Egg.
• Seryï Volk (Grey Wolf) - truly Slavic, a shape-shifter with great wisdom.
• Simargl - Dragon [Persian Simurgh - Roc] - flying monster, sometimes with dog's head.
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Gost Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:01

Althinne ::Elem, verujem da će se na ovom forumu naći još nih koji su
MORA - koristi duše mrtvih srodnika ili živih ljudi koji spavaju, guši u snu

Heh... owo mi se desilo... Sad

Tad sam pochela da sumnjam u (ne)postojanje owih stwari...

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:03

Zaista? Shocked

Paaa... Svačega ima na ovom svetu... ne znam, postoje stvari u koje ljudi radije ne bi verovali... ali one su ipak tu.
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od pinki Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:37

e Althinne svaka ti dala:)salim se,svaka ti cast.

Evo da kazem svoje misljenje za verovanje-ne verovanje.Tj ne misljenje nego mastu;)))

Naucnici ispituju neki proces,i ubedjeni su da ce recimo da im uspe da naprave atomsku bombu,ispitali su stvar i ne sumnjaju,i onda upravo to njihovo verovanje ucini da im uspe,da im ta bomba eksplodira i sta li(e a ovo je bio samo uvod pa je malo budjav nisam znao sta da pisem)Smile
I sad stari narodi i civilizacije verovali su u svoje bogove,i to verovanje ih je ozivelo,i verovanje im takodje daje moc i energiju.Onda su ta bozanstva polako pocela da se zaboravljaju i da na taj nacin slabe,i sad su vrlo slaba ali ipak postoje na racun proslog verovanja i vremena.
al naravno to je samo zajebancija

Broj poruka : 964
Godina : 33
Raspoloženje : samo sto ne jodlujem
Reputacija : 19
Points : 863
Datum upisa : 11.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:40

Dobra fora, brate pinki, mogao bi da napišeš knjigu na tu temu Wink
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Gost Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:43

Althinne ::Zaista? Shocked

Paaa... Svačega ima na ovom svetu... ne znam, postoje stvari u koje ljudi radije ne bi verovali... ali one su ipak tu.

Mhm... pre oko godinu dana... ne bih ni ja werowala da se u jednom trenutku nisam probudila i widela je iznad sebe... mada mene nije gushila nego pokushawala da mi ishchupa srce Sad mnogo je bilo scary Very Happy

Mada meni se deshawa mnogo takwih stwari josh od rodjenja, tako da... Very Happy

I'm a walking encyclopedia of weirdness Very Happy

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Sub 14 Feb 2009, 11:44

Auuu, tebra... Shocked Pa kako je izgledala? I kako si je se otarasila?
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od pinki Sub 14 Feb 2009, 22:56

Stella_Lucia ma ti si to samo kasnila za skolu,ponovo,pa te neko od ukucana razbudio,a ti jos sanjiva,i od mamurluka juce,pa uzburkala stvari:)

Broj poruka : 964
Godina : 33
Raspoloženje : samo sto ne jodlujem
Reputacija : 19
Points : 863
Datum upisa : 11.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od warlord Sub 14 Feb 2009, 23:13

Da li si ti igrala igru po imenu Izvori Magije???

Broj poruka : 35
Godina : 47
Reputacija : -1
Points : -1
Datum upisa : 13.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Gost Sub 14 Feb 2009, 23:46

@ Nene - Bela zhena skroz crnih ochiju. Lepshe stworenje nisam widela u zhiwotu. I onda kad je prishla skroz jao majko :S chudowishte :S Josh su tu bila dwa neka choweka koja su se kladila...

Znash shta je najjache? Josh jednoj osobi se to isto desilo pre godinu dana... kad i meni. Tad se nismo znali. Mozhesh li da werujesh da nam se desila ista stwar u isto wreme? Laughing Saswim sluchajno smo ukapirali... Znash na koga mislim Wink

EDIT - kako sam je se otarasila... hmmm... fora je bila da prekrstim ruke tako da ne mozhe da dodje do mog srca. Ljudi koje sam pomenula su se kladili da li tju uspeti da se izwuchem, a ako me ubije, idem rawno u pakao :S tj, ako padnem na pod... i to neshto me je wuklo sa kreweta, ja se probudim i widim je kako skache na meni :S to je bilo neshto najstrashnije shto mi se desilo... pa... sem crnog dima jednom u sobi...

Eniwejz, pitala sam babu shta je to, i ona mi je rekla da je weshtica, i da obawezno drzhim neshto oshtro ispod jastuka. :S ja sam izela neke makaze chini mi se... i nije mi se to desilo wishe :S

btw, kutja mi je zwanichno ukleta - prokleta - shtawetj - pod wradzhbinama Laughing potwrdjeno od strane obe babe, majke i komshinice Very Happy

@ pinki - nashla sam otworen prozor, moja machka je strashno izgrebala wrata ispred sobe, niko mi nije bio budan u 3 ujutru,a ja ne pijem. Tako da...

@ warlord - jock. ne znam shta ti je to.

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od pinki Ned 15 Feb 2009, 10:36

izvori magije ti je neka drustvena igra,moj drug kaze da ne valja al ja neznam dok ne probam ne verujem pa cu da je nabavim valjda skoro.

E pa u te natprirodne sile se bas i ne razumem;)

Broj poruka : 964
Godina : 33
Raspoloženje : samo sto ne jodlujem
Reputacija : 19
Points : 863
Datum upisa : 11.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Ned 15 Feb 2009, 11:19

Eeee, ja sam čula za Izvore Magije, je l to ono sa kartama...?

Stella, šta da ti kažem... Jbg, važno je da si se ti izvukla. KAd odeš iz kuće, valjda ti se to više neće dešavati Wink A znate li zašto je kuća ukleta?
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od pinki Ned 15 Feb 2009, 11:45

jeste to je ta igrica,kao jugio samo bolje:)tako sam bar cuo

Broj poruka : 964
Godina : 33
Raspoloženje : samo sto ne jodlujem
Reputacija : 19
Points : 863
Datum upisa : 11.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Gost Ned 15 Feb 2009, 12:22

Althinne ::
A znate li zašto je kuća ukleta?

Drage i diwne komshije Very Happy Ima tu swashta josh na tu temu... stwari koje se deshawaju owde kod mene... mada prichatju ti to jednom wetj Very Happy

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od mikap Ned 15 Feb 2009, 14:26

Izvori magije jeste karticna igra, na fazon Magic the Gathering. Ali moj dragi (warlord) ce ti to bolje objasniti.
Čovek iz Senke
Čovek iz Senke

Broj poruka : 284
Godina : 46
Reputacija : 3
Points : 120
Datum upisa : 10.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Pon 16 Feb 2009, 11:24

The Slavic peoples are not a "race". Like the Romance and Germanic peoples, they are related by area and culture, not so much by blood. Today there are thirteen different Slavic groups divided into three blocs, Eastern, Southern and Western. These include the Russians, Poles, Czechs, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, Serbians,Croatians, Macedonians, Slovenians, Bulgarians, Kashubians, Albanians and Slovakians. Although the Lithuanians, Estonians and Latvians are of Baltic tribes, we are including some of their customs as they are similar to those of their Slavic neighbors.

Slavic Runes were called "Runitsa", "Cherty y Rezy" ("Strokes and Cuts") and later, "Vlesovitsa". The Cyrillic system ("Cyrillitsa") was created in the 9th century by Sts. Cyril and Methodius based on a combination of the Greek alphabet and the Slavic Runes. Vlesovitsa continued to be used by the Pagans, while Cyrillitsa was used by the Christians. During the "war" against Paganism, the Christians destroyed each document that contained Runic instead of the Cyrillic writing, usually along with its owner. This was done so effectively that according to most sources, the ancient Slavic peoples had no written language at all. Therefore the nearly all records of the rituals, temples and idols/gods of the ancient Slavs come from the very people sent to destroy them. This, along with the fact that very little information on Slavic Mythology and Magick has been translated into English, makes studying the subject extremely difficult.

Research must then be done through the study of folklore and folk customs. Fortunately, the medieval Slavic peasant did not embraced Christianity on any more than a surface level. This gave rise to what the Russians call dvoeverie (dvoh-ev-VAIR-ryeh) or "double-faith". According to one historian, Christianity so shallowly masked the surface of the true Pagan beliefs, many a peasant did not know the name of the man on the cross to whom he prayed.

Dualism & The Origins of Slavic Belief

The origins of Slavic belief, like that of the rest of the world's, reside in animism and ancestral worship. The first two types of spirit were called the beregyni - female spirits that bring life and are the forerunners of the Rusalki, and Upyr - the spirits of death who eventually became our modern Vampire (Wampyr). From this original dualism sprang belief in all of the nature spirits, and eventually in the Rod and Rozhenitsa, the God and Goddess who imbue the newborn child with a soul and his/her fate. Although nearly all deities were originally ancestral, Rod and Rozhenitsa eventually pulled the Slavic mind out of that way of thinking and opened the doorway for the later "Indo-European" structure, although the original "Old European" mindset kept a stronger hold on the average Slav.

Dualism permeates all of Slavic Pagan spirituality and actually seems to be the basis for most of it. This should not be confused with the dualistic good against evil beliefs of the Christian religion which have unfortunately seeped into the Slavic spirituality of today. It is a system of complimenting opposites such as darkness and light, winter and summer, female and male, cold and hot more similar to the yin/yang. The God-brothers Bialybog "white-god" and Czarnebog "black-god" who rule the sky and underworld respectively, are further illustrations of this polarity. Unfortunately, because of the introduction of Christianity, these two gods later became confused with Jehovah and Satan.

Other examples of dualism are - the two Rozhinitsy, the mother and daughter fates, the spirits of midnight, Polunocnitsa and noon, Poludnitsa - both times seen to be equally as frightening, and the Zorya - Goddesses of dusk and dawn.

The Elements

The ancient Slavs had a deep sense of reverence for the four elements. Fire and Water were seen as sacred dualistic symbols on the horizontal or earthly plane. Earth and Sky were seen as a more vertical system of duality. High places such as mountaintops or treetops, especially birch, linden and oak, became sacred as meeting places the Sky father and the Earth mother. Where they met, they would join their procreative forces, usually in a flash of lightening and clap of thunder.

The winds were seen as the grandchildren of the God, Stribog. Water was refered to in mythology as the water of life and death and rivers were treated with respect lest they should drown you on your next visit. There are records of human, as well as other sacrifices being made to rivers such as the Dneiper and the Volga. Although many bodies of water had their own deities, most of them were ruled by spirits known as Rusalki or Vodanoi. Fire was personified by the god, Svarozhich and it was considered nearly criminal to spit into a fire. Mati Syra Zemlja or Mother Moist Earth, however, seems to have been given the greatest amount of respect.

No one was allowed to strike Mati Syra Zemlja with a hoe, until the Spring Equinox, Maslenica, as she was considered pregnant until then. Earth was considered so sacred that oaths were sworn while holding a piece of her, sometimes in the mouth and ancient wedding vows were taken while swallowing a small clump of Earth or holding it on the head. The custom of asking the Earth's forgiveness before death was still being observed far into the 20th century and when a priest could not be found it was considered appropriate to confess sins to the Earth.


Like the native Americans, it seems that each Slavic tribe had a totem animal that the clan was usually named after. It was considered taboo to kill or eat this animal except for specific religious rituals. Each member of the tribe was thought to have an animal twin, and the death of that twin could cause the death of the tribe member. The World Tree

The Slavs believed that the world tree was divided into three parts; The roots existed in the realm of the underworld, "Nav", and were where the zaltys lived. The main section existed in the mundane world and the uppermost branches reached into the land of the sky Gods. A magical bird was said to live in the branches. Although the Slavs did have Viking influence, the world tree beliefs seem to come more from the native Siberians. These Asian peoples each keep a tree, usually a linden, near their home and see it as a sort of "telephone" to the other realms. Creation Myths

(Russian 1071 CE - the transcript of Lavrentij) - A Slavic magi was recorded as saying:
"We know how man was created: God was washing in the bathhouse and, after sweating,
he wiped himself with a towel that he threw onto the ground; then Satan entered into dispute with God as to who should make man out of this towel; and God breathed a soul into him, therefore after death man's body returns to the soil and his spirit to God."

A Christmas Carol from Galica explains:

When there was in the beginning no world,
Then there was neither heaven nor earth.
Everywhere was a blue sea,
And on the midst of the sea, a green plane-trees
On the plane tree three doves,
Three doves take counsel,
Take counsel as how to create the world.
"Let us plunge to the bottom of the sea.
Let us gather fine sand;
Let us scatter fine sand,
That it may become for us black earth.
Let us get golden rocks;
Let us scatter golden rocks.
Let there be for us a bright sky,
A bright sky, a shining sun,
A shining sun and bright moon,
A bright moon, a bright morning star,
A bright morning star and little starlets.

-Drahomaniv p.10

In other recorded versions of this song, there are two doves not three, two oaks instead of a plane tree or blue stones instead of golden ones. Much later versions have God, St. Peter and St. Paul riding the doves as the actual creators.

In the beginning, there were no earth and no people, only the primordial sea. Bielobog flew over the face of the waters in the shape of a swan and was lonely. Longing for someone to keep him company, he noticed his shadow, Chernobog and rejoiced.

"Let us make land" said Bielobog.

"Let us," said Chernobog, but where will we get the dirt?"

"There is dirt under the water, go down and get some," answered Bielobog, but before you can reach it, you must say 'With Bielobog's power and mine'."

The devil dived into the water, but said "With My Power", instead of what he was instructed to say. Twice he dived down and neither time did he reach the bottom. Finally, the third time he said "With Bielobog's Power and Mine" and he reached the dirt. Scraping some up with his nails, he brought it to the surface but hid a grain of dirt in his mouth in order to have his own land.

God then took the dirt from him and scattered it upon the water. The dirt became dry land and began to grow. Of course, the land in Chernobog's mouth also began to grow and his mouth began to swell. Chernobog was forced to spit and spit to rid himself of all the earth and where he spit, mountains were formed.

Angered that he was cheated out of his own land, he waited for Bielobog to fall asleep. As soon as the god was sleeping peacefully, Czernobog lifted him up to throw him in the water. In each direction he went, but the land had grown so much, he could not reach the ocean. When Bielobog awoke, Czernobog said "Look how much the land has grown, we should bless it."

..And Bielobog said slyly, "I blessed it last night, in all four directions, when you tried to throw me in the water."

This greatly angered Czernobog who stormed off to get away from Bielobog once and for all. In the meantime, the earth would not stop growing. This made Bielobog very nervous as the Heavens could no longer cover it all, so he sent an expedition to ask Czernobog how to make it stop.

Czernobog had since created a goat. When the expedition saw the great god Czernobog riding astride a goat, they couldn't stop laughing. This angered the god and he refused to speak to them. Bielobog then created a bee, and sent the bee to spy on Czernobog.

The bee quietly alit upon Czernobog's shoulder and waited. Soon, she heard him say to the goat "What a stupid god! He doesn't even know that all he has to do is take a stick, make a cross to the four directions and say 'That is enough earth'. Instead he wonders what to do."

Hearing this, the bee buzzed off in excitement. Knowing that he'd been heard, Czernobog yelled after the bee, "Whoever sent you, Let him eat your excrement!".

The bee went directly to Bielobog and said "He said All you need to do is make a cross to the four directions and say 'That is enough earth.' And to me he said 'let whomever sent you eat your excrement'.

So god stopped the earth from growing and than said to the bee "Then forever after, let there be no excrement sweeter than yours."

This myth is a combination of myths from Bulgarian and Ukranian sources. Although the
versions of these myths use God and Satanail as the dual creators, Slavic scholars agree that the myth is a later form of the original dualism of Czernobog and Bielobog. Because of this I have replaced the names.

The World Tree.

Some Slavs believed that the Earth was an Island floating in water that the sun was immersed in every evening. At the center of this Island stood the world tree or mountain. The roots of this tree extended deep into the underworld and the branches reached high up into the realm of the sky gods, Irij.

Nav was the underworld, realm of the dead from whence it gets its name. Weles/Wolos, the God of cattle and wealth and Lada, Goddess of springtime were also said to reside here. This is not really surprising, considering that most cthonic deities, such as Pluto, Saturn and Ops were also associated with wealth and that the crops are pushed upward from inside the Earth. Also, Lada would return from the underworld in the spring, much like Kore, Persephone and Ostara of the Teutons did.

Origin of Witchcraft - a story

Long ago, when the world was still fairly new, a young woman ventured into the woods to pick mushrooms. In no time at all, the skies opened up upon her and narrowly escaping the rain, she ran beneath a tree, removed all of her clothing, and bundled them up in her bag so they would not get wet. After some time, the rain stopped and the woman resumed her mushroom picking. Weles, Horned God of the forest happened upon her, and asked her what great magick she knew in order to have kept dry during the storm.

"If you show me the secret to your magick, I will show you how I kept dry." she said. Being somewhat easily tempted by a pretty face, Weles proceeded to teach her all of his magickal secrets. After he was done, she told him how she had removed her clothing and hid under a tree.

Knowing that he had been tricked, but had no one but himself to blame, Weles ran off in a rage, and thus, the first Witch came into being.
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Glumac92 Pon 16 Feb 2009, 19:10

Odakle to da su Siptari , oprostite , Albanci odjednom Sloveni . Po nekim izvorima ( pretezno zapadnjackim ) oni su Iliri . . . sto ja smatram za apsolutnu besmislicu . A po istocnjackim istrazivanjima Albanci su bili izolovano pleme koje je zivelo na Kavkazu . Nigde se ne spominju kao Sloveni . . . sto potvrdjuje njihov folklor i jezik

Broj poruka : 541
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : Da je bolje ne bi valjalo
Reputacija : 3
Points : 365
Datum upisa : 09.02.2009

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Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Althinne Pon 16 Feb 2009, 19:33

DOn't ask me... JA vam samo postujem sve što iskopam Rolling Eyes Živ dokaz da ljudi u svetu nemaju pojma ko je ko na Balkanu Laughing Verujem da samo Grke razlikuju Laughing
Član Malog Veća
Član Malog Veća

Broj poruka : 2240
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : mestimično- delimično XD
Reputacija : 53
Points : 1803
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Artil Čet 19 Feb 2009, 10:09

Koliko znam, a vrlo je moguce da nisam u pravu, taj narod, tj. Albanci su bili starosedeoci pre nego sto su Sloveni dosli na Balkan...a posle su primili muslimanstvo ili kako je to vec islo, ne znam...a moguce je da su dosli sa Kavkaza mnogo pre Slovena...
Meštar Sunčevog Koplja
Meštar Sunčevog Koplja

Broj poruka : 292
Godina : 38
Reputacija : 5
Points : 187
Datum upisa : 08.02.2009

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Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Oberin Martel Čet 19 Feb 2009, 18:04

Ako vas zanima slovenska, tačnije južnoslovenska mitologija (i još tačnije neobična bića južnoslovenske mitologije), potražite i pročitajte knjigu "Ale i bauci". Zabavno i informativno štivo, u kome ćete upoznati vile, patuljke, zmajeve, vampire, vukodlake i ostalu "klasiku", ali i rusalke, vodenjake, bauke, šumske majke, drekavce, ale i druge stvorove koje ne delimo sa zapadnjacima, niti su se probili na inostrano tržište Smile
Oberin Martel
Oberin Martel
Legendarni vojnik
Legendarni vojnik

Broj poruka : 2710
Godina : 43
Raspoloženje : E ja kuliram
Reputacija : 670
Points : 3442
Datum upisa : 19.02.2009

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Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Glumac92 Čet 19 Feb 2009, 22:11

Oberin Martel ::Ako vas zanima slovenska, tačnije južnoslovenska mitologija (i još tačnije neobična bića južnoslovenske mitologije), potražite i pročitajte knjigu "Ale i bauci". Zabavno i informativno štivo, u kome ćete upoznati vile, patuljke, zmajeve, vampire, vukodlake i ostalu "klasiku", ali i rusalke, vodenjake, bauke, šumske majke, drekavce, ale i druge stvorove koje ne delimo sa zapadnjacima, niti su se probili na inostrano tržište Smile
Cuo sam za knjigu , mada je nism trazio , u slicnoj tematici je i "Kosingas" , mada je mitologija tu malo preradjena

Broj poruka : 541
Godina : 32
Raspoloženje : Da je bolje ne bi valjalo
Reputacija : 3
Points : 365
Datum upisa : 09.02.2009

Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

Počalji od Struki Čet 19 Feb 2009, 22:14

Citao sam knjigu Ale i Buci. Po, meni je extra knjiga. Onako zabavna je, malo neozbiljna po meni. Meni se bas svidela.

Nego Adi jel si iz te knjige izvukao ideju za rase Kaledonisa? Izvinite za offtopic, ali oduvek sam ovo hteo da ga pitam, no nikako da upitam

Broj poruka : 1808
Raspoloženje : Cetri solitera, dve trafike, moja Olivera nosi Reebok patike
Reputacija : 122
Points : 1664
Datum upisa : 14.02.2009

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Mitologija Starih Slovena Empty Re: Mitologija Starih Slovena

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